The Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County will hold its 36th Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 10, 2012, at Monroe Temple Beth El at 10 a.m. Synagogues and Jewish organizations in Orange County will honor their Volunteers of the Year. There will no solicitation and dietary laws will be observed.
Each year individual volunteers are selected for their outstanding contributions to synagogues and organizations throughout Orange County. Federation President, Gail Oliver says, “I am delighted to recognize the people in our community who have dedicated so much time and energy to the synagogues and organizations they support” She continues, “They exemplify what community service is all about, and the Jewish Federation is thrilled to honor them. Our community is so lucky to have these amazing people.”
A special thank you to all these outstanding volunteers for 2012:
• Mark Lakritz,
Congregation Agudas Israel • Shirley and Jon Zak,
Congregation Beth Hillel • Mark Weisslander,
Congregation B’nai Torah • Diane and Martin Soss,
Congregation Eitz Chaim • Jane Kleiman and Rita Wincott,
Congregation Eitz Chaim Sisterhood
• Jay Pomerantz,
Congregation Eitz Chaim Men’s Club
• Jodi Sander,
Monroe Temple
• James Michelis
& William Schildkraut,
Temple Beth El • Betty Grossman,
Temple Beth El Sisterhood • Rissa Cutler,
Temple Beth Jacob • Mike Miller,
Temple Beth Shalom
• Roberta Frischman,
Temple Beth Shalom Sisterhood • Eric Goodman,
Temple Beth Shalom Men’s Club • Hal Marcus,
Temple Sinai
• Robert Soll,
Jewish Federation
• Jeff Page,
Jewish Family Service
• Sharon Kaufman,
Newburgh Jewish Community Center
• Susan Notar
Noar of Newburgh Hadassah
Since 1977, the Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County has been working together with community members to build and support a strong Jewish community – enriching people’s lives, helping those in need, and embracing new Jewish families. Each year our recipient organizations in Orange County help tens of thousands of people here at home.